Weekend Diary + Red E Surf Haul Pt. 2


Hey Fashionistas!

So I am back in the main land, and I am refreshed and ready to start the week! Big Bear was tons of fun, but I am happy to be home! Anyway, I have one last outfit from my Red E Surf Shop haul to share with you all. Since there was one outfit left I thought I'd include my weekend as well.

This weekend I did a DIY project with my mom, which I am including in this post. I actually wore the last outfit because I did not get to wear it that long in Big Bear. I basically wore it for a photo, but I feel like I did not do it justice. So...I repeated an outfit. REBEL! It is that good. Let's dig in:

Here is the photo from Big Bear:


I am dressed in Red E Surf Shop from head to toe, er shoes. The sweater is Volcom, the shorts are O'neill and the wedges are TOMS. Seriously, so comfy! It was cold and hot in the half hour we spent exploring the lake and this outfit was perfection.


Saying goodbye to an amazing week. I'm so blessed by my family. We made a lot of memories there!

The DIY project is more like a ongoing project. My mom and her friends made me these beautiful painted mason jars as centerpieces for my birthday/graduation party. My mom came up with the idea of using them again, but turning them into fall decorations for the house. Since she still had all of the tools she used in June, I thought I'd share with you all how to make them. Let's begin:


You'll need: Flowers or wheat-like plants, a mason jar, scissors, paint brush or sponge brush, twine, and paint. (Not pictured: Gold glitter spray)


  1. You'll want to start by painting the mason jar, and maybe applying two to three coats. After, I spray painted them with gold glitter, because glitter makes everything better!
  2. Arrange your flowers or plants. I am obsessed with wheat or dry plants right now! My mom and I must be on the same wave length.
  3. Cut and tie the twine around the jar.
  4. Take a photo and tag me so I can see your fall creations! Also, use the hashtag #thebrokegirlfashionista

I hope you all enjoyed that quick and easy DIY. Thank you mom for your brilliance.


I also want to mention something I read this weekend. It's from my new devotional (Thanks dad!) and its all about shuffling the deck. Karen Moore, the author of my devotional talked about how it's good to be somewhat uncomfortable. God likes to deal us a new hand to remind us we are serving Him. Meaning, we can't get too comfortable in our lives, we have to keep taking new steps, and reaching for new opportunities to serve Him. He will help us with each change and help us overcome fears that comes from new changes. Graduating from college is scary, especially when you don't have a clue as to what the future holds. I feel like I am still being shuffled (Cards lingo). I am having a great time blogging so far! It has opened doors to a new internet world that is evolving so quickly. If there was a mood option like Facebook, it would be "blessed" with the happy face emoji. 

"So I shall keep Your law continually, forever and ever. And I will walk at liberty, for I seek Your precepts. I will speak of Your testimonies also before kings, and I will not be ashamed." Psalm 119:44-46 NKJ


These socks are Stance, and they are the last item from my Red E Surf Shop haul. They carry a TON of Stance socks for men, women and kids. Including Angels and Dodgers!

Enjoy your week fashionistas!

