Valentine's Day Favorites

Hey Fashionistas!

I was overwhelmed with different ideas to post for Valentine's Day and then I thought, why not put all of my ideas into a favorites post?! From date ideas, gift ideas and outfit tips here are my Valentine's Day Favorites (and suggestions):

Valentine's Day can be extremely overwhelming! I mean it has really become a stressful holiday from the perfect gift, date, not having a date or the perfect outfit. I feel like all of that has really taken away from the true meaning of the holiday. In no way am I saying that I don't think you should spoil your loved one, but suggesting not to put so much pressure on yourself. Valentine's Day for me is taking a day to really appreciate the people in your life whether thats a bestie, a significant other, a pet or family. Whoever they are, lets remember to take February 14th to relax and enjoy each others company. With that, here are my personal favorites from the holiday and what I recommend.

Dates With Your Better Half:

This one can be tricky because most of the time the guy plans the date, but if you happen to be planning the date (which is pretty awesome of you) then here are some tips. Instead of just listing places I am just going to give you suggestions (since many of you are not in California). My favorite dates so far have been the ones where they are personalized. I love when I feel like I'm being heard. I am trying not to be too specific because I'm not sure who is reading this haha! What I mean is that it's such a great feeling when you are on a date somewhere you have mentioned in a conversation with your significant other. So say your better half mentioned they love giraffes randomly while looking at memes on their phone. I would research a safari tour. Or say your significant other mentions a movie that reminds them of their family and when they used to watch it. I would research an outdoor theatre or somewhere unique (even those theaters with the couches) that is showing that film. So if you are stuck on ideas, I would go back through memory lane and find the happiest moments you have had with your better half and find something they can really appreciate. If your person really enjoys food, make them dinner, if your person is really relaxed, RELAX with them. My last tip is to pick something you both like to do or a happy medium because nothing is worse than watching Breakfast at Tiffany's with Mr Huffing and Puffing or Mr Snoring next to you. Believe me, if you are both having fun they'll really appreciate your effort more.

Dates With Your Besties:

Valentine's Day is all about love so don't feel bad if you don't have a boyfriend. Some of my favorite Valentine's Day memories have been with my besties! For some reason exercising has been my go to for dates with my friends! haha There is something about trying new exercises where you can laugh at each other's non existent coordination or just the feeling of walking out of a tough workout and simply feeling like you can conquer the world...with your bestie of course! I have taken my friends to aerial classes and it has been a hit each time! Its unique and you are focused on not falling and breaking your neck rather than focused on not falling in love. (See what I did there? I'm clever, I know) So if you are feeling sad about not being in a relationship, I would avoid The Notebook and get out there! You never know, you could meet someone! You're welcome in advance. Last year, I spent Valentine's Day having a sister night! My sister and her bestie decided to bring me and her sister along for board games and movies. We all wore matching pajamas, ate Sees candy and did face masks. What more could I ask for?! It was the best!

Gift Ideas + Outfit Tips:


I went ahead and took some photos for this portion because while expensive gifts are nice, if you are reading this you are probably on a budget. Us broke girls have to stick together! If you are looking for a gift that is personalized, for everyone and budget friendly then here's an idea. BAKE! If you are reading this and saying, "I suck at baking" then keep reading (even the expert bakers). You can still bake from the generic boxes from the grocery store, but the trick is to personalize the packaging. I went ahead and stopped by my local Dollar Tree (Yes, Dollar Tree but any store would work, ahem Target) and bought these really cute tin cans and heart shaped doilies. I baked brownies and decorated them with things I already had in my kitchen such as caramel and chocolate chips. I also included hand written notes with each gift. It is personalized, yummy and doesn't break the bank. I would recommend this for a boss, coworker, parents or siblings, basically just a little something for someone you want to show appreciation to. Instead of giving you a step by step (since you would just follow the directions from the box) I am going to give you my "pro" tips:Pro Tip: I like to tie my apron over my hair when I don't want to dent my hair from a hair tie. I also use a bandana to secure the front of my hair. #LongHairProbs My apron is from Marshalls.Pro Tip: If you are a new baker, always double check for egg shells. If you don't know how to crack an egg properly, do a quick YouTube search.Pro Tip: Always use a shield of some sort when mixing because the powder tends to fly up when mixing a larger batch. Doesn't everybody pose with baking ingredients?! No? Just me? hahaPro Tip: I don't know what I was doing before my Kitchen Aid. Mine was a gift, but I would have totally invested in it! It's like the Keurig of baking. Pro Tip: Always ALWAYS lick the spoon or mixing handles! Sorry sis, I took over your job! BTW, that got everywhere! Pro Tip: Always use Pam. It saves lives. Not really, but it'll be that determining factor between good baking and great baking.Pro Tip: Never leave anything plain. Always decorate!  Place the doily on the bottom of the tin and add brownies or baked good on top. Yay for Avengers valentines!Another thing I want to bring up is the perfect outfit. Being a broke girl myself I understand it can be hard to buy a new outfit for every holiday or special occasion. I am definitely guilty of buying new clothes for everything. Well, sometimes it is just not an option to go out and buy that really cute dress from Zara. Instead reach into your closet and pull out all of the Valentines Day themed items and spread them out so you can see everything. From there start putting together pieces that can work and use what you have. Believe me, your better half won't mind and your besties definitely won't mind. Pick something you know works and you feel confident in. In the photos below I picked out a romper that I absolutely love and always feel like a goddess in. If you are questioning your confidence here are some clues: A.) You can tell you feel confident if you do multiple poses in the mirror...more points for duck lips! B.) When you do a little happy dance after putting it on.

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Lipstick: Colourpop "Creeper"Socks: Asos (in white)Romper: Forever 21 (Two years old, but I linked a similar ones)Chalkboard: Magnolia Market Calligraphy: Yours TrulySnap chat selfies! Follow me @bricastro

What are your Valentines Day favorites? Comment down below so everyone can get more ideas! Tomorrow I will be posting more favorites such as music, books and more! See you then!

